10. Query unit declaration

A query unit is defined using the keyword request. Its syntax is the following:

<query_unit>  ::= request <word> "{" <query_elt>* "}"
<query_elt>   ::= <observation> | <query>
<observation> ::= ( <path> = <word> ) |
                  ( unobserved <path> )
<query> ::= "?" <path> ";"

The first word is the query’s name. In a query unit we can alternate between observations and queries. An observation, also called an evidence, allows to specify the value that we observe for a given random variable (e.g., we observe on our thermometer that variable temperature is equal to 20 degrees Celsius). Evidence are assigned to their corresponding random variables using the = operator. A query over random variable X asks to infer the probability P(X|e) where e represents the set of all the evidence specified so far in the request unit. This is done using the ? operator. The unobserve keyword can be used to remove evidence inside the request unit.

request myQuery {
	// adding evidence
	mySystem.anObject.aVariable = true;
	mySystem.anotherObject.aVariable = 3;
	mySystem.anotherObject.anotherVariable = false;
	// asking to infer some probability value given evidence
	? mySystem.anObject.anotherVariable;
	// remove evidence over an attribute
	unobserve mySystem.anObject.aVariable;
        ? mySystem.anObject.anotherVariable;

For instance, in the above example, the first query over random variable mySystem.anObject.anotherVariable returns the posterior of the variable given the three evidence entered into the system. The second query returns the posterior of the same variable given only the last two evidence entered, the first one being invalidated by the unobserve instruction.