9. System Declaration

A system is declared as follows:

<system>      ::= system <word> "{" <system_elt>* "}"
<system_elt>  ::= <instance> | <assignment>

The first word is the system’s name. A system is composed of instance declarations and assignments. Assignments are used to assign an instance to an instance’s reference slot. The following illustrates a system declaration:

system name {
  // body

9.1. Instance declaration

The syntax to declare an instance in a system is:

<instance>  ::= <path> [ "[" digit* "]" ] <word> ";"

The first word is the instance’s class name and the second is the instance’s name. For example, if we have a class A we could declare the following instance:

A an_instance;

We may want to declare arrays of instances. To do so we need to add [n] as a suffix to the instance’s type, where n is the number of instances that the array should contain. if n = 0 then we can simply write [].

// An empty array of instances
A_class[] a_name;
// A array of 5 instances
A_class[5] another_name;

You can also specify values for parameters when instantiating a class (see Section 5.3 on how to parameterize CPTs). The syntax to do so is:

<instance>          ::= <path> <word> "(" <parameters> ")" ";"
<parameters>        ::= instanceParameter ("," instanceParameter)*
<instanceParameter> ::= <word>"="(<integer>|<float>)

An example:

// We declare an instance of A_class where a_param equals 0.001
A_class a_name(a_param=0.001);

9.2. Assignment

<assignment> ::= <path> += <word> ";" |
                 <path> = <word> ";"

It is possible to add instances into an array, using the += operator:

// Declaring some instances
A_class x;
A_class y;
A_class z;
// An empty array of instances
A_class[] array;
// Adding instances to array
array += x;
array += y;
array += z;

Reference assignment is done using the = operator:

class A {
  boolean X {[0.5, 0.5]};

class B {
  A myRef;

system S {
  // declaring two instances
  A a;
  B b;
  // Assigning b's reference to a
  b.myRef = a;

In the case of multiple references, we can either use the = to assign a whole array or the += operator to add instances one by one:

class A {
  boolean X {[0.5, 0.5]};

class B {
  A myRef[];

system S1 {
  // declaring an array of five instances of A.
  A[5] a;
  // declaring an instance of B
  B b;
  // Assigning b's reference to a
  b.myRef = a;
// An alternative declaration
system S2 {
  // declaring three instances of A
  A a1;
  A a2;
  A a3;
  // declaring an instance of B
  B b;
  // Assigning b's reference to a
  b.myRef += a1;
  b.myRef += a2;
  b.myRef += a3;